35+ Family Reunion Quotes Funny

The importance of family is high compared to other things in the entire world. That’s why family is everything and it is not an easy task to put your love into words. In this article, we are sharing a collection of family reunion quotes.

With the help of these quotes, you can easily express your love and care to your loved ones or family members. Remember one thing it doesn’t matter if you are living in a big or small house, but the main thing matters are how much you love your family. 

It doesn’t matter if you support your family or not, but your family will always support you. The first priority of your family is to fulfill your needs in any condition and think about yourself.

In this article, you will find the different types of quotes that will help you to show your love, care, and appreciation to your family who always gives you unconditional love. However, the whole world celebrates the Day of Families on May 15th.

The most important thing for you is to remember this date and show your love to your parents. However, for this purpose, we have collected the best family quotes, and reunion quotes that you can use to show respect. 

Basically, the family reunion quotes funny provide you the opportunity to share your love with your loved ones. Let your loved ones know about your care, respect, and love. 

You can also use these quotes for things like a family reunion, welcome post, invitation letter, t-shirts, and other places. 

You can also use these quotes for your social media platforms like Facebook and others social media platforms. So, read the complete article and find the best quotes that help you to show your love. you may also like: 100+ funny new year wishes for 2021

Family Reunion Quotes Funny

Family Reunion Quotes Funny

Welcome to the annual gathering: of people who all have the same nose (or other common facial features)!

Some of us were born into this family, others were crazy enough to join by choice.

Nothing is more awkward than a large family reunion. Half the people don’t know who anyone is, and the other half know way too much about everyone.

There is an “I” in “family,” but I know this reunion’s not all about me.

So blessed to be a part of this mess. (Insert the last name of family and year of the reunion).

What happens at the (insert family last name) reunion, stays at the reunion.

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Family reunions would be great if they weren’t crawling with aunts!

Clearly, everyone at this reunion fell off the same nut tree.

The gang’s getting back together. Remember, as far as anyone knows, we’re all at the (insert family last name) reunion of our own free will.

Like seagulls flocking to breadcrumbs, our family is ready to fight for (insert person’s name)’s famous (insert popular dish name) at this year’s (insert family last name) Family Reunion!

Family Reunion Quotes

Family Reunion Quotes

Family gives us two things; one is roots, the other is wings

Family is like branches on a tree; we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!

Family is like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts!

Family:  We might not have it all together, but together we have it all.

You don’t choose your family; they are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.

Our family is a circle of strength; founded on faith, joined in love, kept by God, together forever.

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Insanity runs in my family; it practically gallops!

The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.

Trees without roots fall over.

Family Reunion Message

Family Reunion Message

Like raking the leaves in fall, gathering all the leaves from our family tree should be an annual tradition.

The act of gathering as a family strengthens the connections made long ago.

Getting together as a family is like putting all the chapters in a book. You need each member for the family to make sense.

Our cornucopia is full, as a family has gathered.

Each year we harvest our family by picking up at our roots to provide an abundance of love.

On our own, we are great but gathered we are perfect.

Family: happy apart, happier together.

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Happiest when I’m here.

Nothing feeds my soul like the folks at this reunion.

Funny Family Reunion Quotes

Funny Family Reunion Quotes

Official Survivor of the ____ Family Reunion

Just trying to relate to the people I’m related to

Any family tree produces some lemons, some nuts, and a few bad apples.

Remember, as far as anyone knows, we’re a nice, normal family.

Parents are not interested in justice; they’re interested in peace and quiet.

I swear I don’t actually know these people.

Nine out of ten monkeys insist we’re not their descendants.

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Heirlooms we don’t have in our family. But stories we’ve got.

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.

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