50+ Most Famous Fuck You Quotes

Fuck You Quotes

50+ Most Famous Fuck You Quotes

Our fuck you quotes will provide you with thousands of different interpretations of this two-word statement. Fuck You Quotes can help you keep your cool when telling them to fuck off.

Fuā€¦ Hope and fuā€¦ Feelings because they donā€™t get u anywhere in this world. Fuā€¦ Life and fuā€¦ Love because all they cause is pain.

My parents raised me well, I just tend to cuss a lot. Sorry for that. Fu.., fu.., fu.., fu.., fu.., fu.., fu.., fuā€¦

People say fuā€¦.Love and fuā€¦ Life because theyā€™re tired of being fuā€¦ed over, but giving up on those things is only hurting themselves.

Fā€¦. Love? No, fuā€¦ the person who made you think that way.

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Fu.. loveā€¦ all it will do is fuā€¦ you over in the end.

I donā€™t give fuā€¦ if I do its fuā€¦ you. If you donā€™t like what a niā€¦ do, fuā€¦ You. That shit you niā€¦s talking ainā€™t true, fuā€¦ you.

Fuā€¦ Loveā€¦ because there are cooler ways to cry.

Donā€™t say ā€œfuā€¦ Love!ā€ Oh wait, never mind. Youā€™re rightā€¦

Fu.. Friends, they arenā€™t shit, I only fuā€¦ with the ones that fuā€¦ with me. Meaning I only Fuā€¦ With the ones who keep it real.

Iā€™m the opposite of a slut, because I never give a f*ck so fuā€¦ you and fuā€¦ off!

Fuck You Quotes by Famous People

Fuck You Quotes by Famous People

Maybe I shouldnā€™t and I should flip my middle finger up to the world. Hell, I should make all my fingers dance in a bouquet of Fuck offs. ā€” Tracy Krimmer

Frankly, my dear, I donā€™t give a damn. ā€” Rhett Butler

I declare everything you are saying is stupid. ā€” April Ludgate

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. ā€” Winston Churchill

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If you show me you donā€™t give a Fuck, Iā€™ll show you that Iā€™m better at it.

Revenge? Nah, Iā€™m too lazy. Iā€™m going to sit here and let karma Fuck you up.

Row your boat gently the Fuck away from me.

Can you see the Fuck you in my smile?

I donā€™t hold grudges, you just become irrelevant.

Insulting Fuck You Quotes for People You Hate

Insulting Fuck You Quotes for People You Hate

My middle finger salutes you.

I hope one day, you choke on all the shit you talk.

Itā€™s calledĀ karmaĀ and itā€™s pronounced, Haha, Fuck you.

Goest & fucketh thyself.

You can pretend youā€™re perfect all you want. Just remember some of us know the truth behind all your bullshit lies.

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If I really was a bitch, Iā€™d make your life a living hell. But instead, Iā€™ll justĀ sit back and watchĀ you do it yourself.

2 words, 1 finger.

Go deep throat a cactus.

Keep your head highĀ and your middle finger higher.

And by K I mean Fuck you.

Middle Finger Fuck You Quotes

Middle Finger Fuck You Quotes

Punch fear in the fucking face, or shoot an arrow at it. Thatā€™s good too.

Gather your balls and man up, bitch!

Smile, because if you donā€™t, you become ugly as shit. No one wants to see that shit.

Busy is bullshit. Everybody is busy today. If you want to make that time, youā€™ll fucking make that time.

Open your goddamn eyes, to see the fucking finer details in life.

Feel fucked up and do it anyway. Thatā€™s how you get sh*t done.

Fuck what others think and do your own sh*t.

My middle finger likes you.

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You played enough. Itā€™s my turn, and Iā€™ll ruin you, you prick.

To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! Iā€™ve known sheep that could outwit you.

Insulting Quotes including the word Fuck You

Rule No.1 ā€“ Fuck What They Think!

Walls keep everyone out. Boundaries allow the right one in.

While you are talking about my back, feel free to bend down and kiss my ass.

I am nice as fuck. So if you see me being mean to someone, they earned that sh*t.