In the Kung Fu Panda series, Master Oogway, a wise and senior turtle, served as the Grand Master of the Jade Palace and Master Shifu’s teacher. He was well-known for being spiritual and philosophical, and all of the other characters held him in the highest regard for his knowledge and calm attitude. Here are some of the most famous Master Oogway quotes from the “Kung Fu Panda” films.
Master Oogway’s remarks, as we showed in the animated film, are incredibly motivating and have a way of encouraging other characters, notably Po, to believe in their ability to achieve greatness. Master Oogways quotes on success should motivate you to act so that you can achieve your dreams.
In the first film, Master Oogway died and entered the spirit world. He is also one of the series’ most powerful characters. The other characters held Oogway in high regard for his knowledge and calm manner, and he was able to easily overcome the evil Tai Lung. In the “Kung Fu Panda” films, the fictional character Master Oogway appears. He is a reptile who has taught creatures like Po and Shifu. We certainly watched countless films and TV series as children, including “Kung Fu Panda” and its well-known Master Oogway characters. A lot of people have seen or perhaps heard of Kung Fu Panda, as well as one of its well-known characters who picked Po (the panda) to become the Dragon Warrior.
If you like this you must read our new article: Most popular 60+ Master Oogway Quotes To Inspire You
Master Oogway Quotes
Oh, Shifu. There is just news. It is no good or bad.
I think they will all lose until they find a battle worth fighting.
Who knows the ways of the universe? Accident? Or destiny? That is the secret.
I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.
My time has come. You must continue your journey… without me. You must… believe. Promise me you’ll believe.
Shifu, there is a matter of the utmost importance.
You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
There are no accidents.
That is bad news… if you do not believe in yourself.
Ah! I see that you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom!
No matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
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Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.
When will you realize, that the more you take, the less you have?
Shifu, an acorn can only become the mighty oak, not a cherry tree. You must let her grow into what she will be.
Use your skills for the good, young warrior. Find the one thing you were denied so long ago — compassion.
There is always something more to learn. Even for a master.
Nothing is impossible.
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
Tigress: I failed Shifu.
Quotes About Master Oogway Dirty
When the path you walk always leads back to yourself, you never get anywhere.
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
You just need to believe. You must believe it.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
Your real strength comes from being the best you can be. Who are you? What are you good at? What makes you, you?
Time is an illusion, there is only the now.
There is no secret ingredient. Don’t have to. To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.
Once I realized the problem was not you but within me. I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe.
Don’t push memories deeper inside of yourself. Let those memories breathe and let old wounds heal.
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I probably sucked more today than anybody in the history of kung fu. In the history of China. In the history of sucking.
For with every foe, he faces Kai becomes stronger.
If you continue on your current path, you will find yourself… at the bottom of the stairs.
I have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I’ve been… proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming.
I can control when the fruit will fall!
This was a thriving village. Young Shen was in line to rule Gongmen City. But he wanted more. I foretold that someone would stand in his way. A panda. But I never could have foretold what came next.
No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung, it is his!
You are not the Dragon Warrior! You will never be the Dragon Warrior until you learn the secret of the Dragon Scroll!
Master Oogway’s Quotes There Are No Accidents
The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness and make him suffer for it. And to take his strength and use it against him until he finally falls or quits.
Take destiny by the horns and have fun.
There is just News. It is no good or bad.
It is you who must decide whether to stay or go.
Use your skills for a good young warrior. Find the one thing you were denied so long-ago compassion.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift.
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Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, nurture it, to believe in it.
That is bad news if you don’t believe in yourself.
Nothing is impossible.
You just need to believe. You must believe it.
Your mind is like this water, my friend.
My time has come. You must continue your journey, without me.
Inner peace, inner peace.
There are no accidents.
Quotes About Master Oogways Yesterday is History
When will you realize, that the more you take, the less you have?
You must let go of the illusion of control.
I fear they will all lose. Until they find a battle worth fighting.
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
There is always something more to learn. Even for a Master.
The panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor yours until you let go of the illusion of control.
Look at this tree, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
There are no coincidences in this world.
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
When the path you walk always leads back to yourself, you never get anywhere.
I fear they will all lose. Until they find a battle worth fighting.
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Pig Shop owner: Ugh, who cares who wins? Those three are a disgrace to Kung.
Oogway: I think they will all lose until they find a battle worth fighting.
Oogway: I know how you can all get what you want. Not just fame and fortune.
Thundering Rhino: And how’s that?
Oogway: By changing course. When the path you walk always leads back to yourself, you never get anywhere… Well, good night. We’ve got a big day tomorrow!
Thundering Rhino: Uh, excuse me! But how exactly does this help us get across?
Oogway: It doesn’t. It helps me. And by helping me, you help yourself.
On the first day we met, I saw the future of Kung fu and the past. I saw the panda who could unite them both. That is why I chose you, Po. Both sides of the Ying and Yang. And my true successor.
Master Oogway Funny Quotes
Well done. I see you found a battle worth fighting for.
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
Now know this, old friend. Whoever I choose will not only bring peace to the Valley but also to you.
Quit, don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodle. You are too concerned with what was and what will be.
Shifu: I have news, Master. It’s very bad news.
Oogway: There is just news. It is no good or bad.
Shifu: Master, your vision. Your vision was right! Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He’s on his way.
Oogway: That is bad news… if you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.
Oogway: You’ve grown up. As I hoped you would when I sent the message to your father.
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
There is always something more to learn. Even for a Master.
Nothing is impossible.
Don’t forget to check out: Master Oogway‘s Quotes There Are No Accidents
There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.
Oogway: Worse. You’re failing yourself. No matter how much you try, you will never be Shifu. The question is… Can you be Tigress?
Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.
Shifu: But there are things we can control! I can control when the fruit will fall! And I can control… where to plant the seed… hi-yah! This is no illusion, Master.
I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom!
Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
I’m not dying you, idiot! I’m relaxing!
The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!