90+ Best Suicide Prevention Quotes


Psychological instability, ecological elements, and different factors can all drive individuals to think about suicide. The accompanying experiences of suicide come from the personalities of survivors, specialists, and others who have been impacted firsthand. During the haziest times when all trust appears to be lost, read this assortment of suicide prevention quotes for strength and direction. It is imperatively critical to spread mindfulness and prevent suicides on a worldwide scale.

Assuming you or somebody you know has suicidal thoughts, look for help from a psychological medical services proficient right away. Keep in mind, that things can improve, and recuperating is conceivable. Share these significant suicide cites today to bring issues to light and motivate prevention.

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Suicide quotes for strength and guidance

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. – Phil Donahue

Hope is a necessity for normal life and the major weapon against the suicide impulse. – Karl A. Menninger

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

Never never never give up. – Winston Churchill

To anyone out there who’s hurting — it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It’s a sign of strength. – Barack Obama

We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire. – George Sand

Suicide doesn’t solve your problems. It only makes them infinitely, un-countably worse. – Sinead O’Connor

On average, since the urge to kill myself isn’t so strong that I actually kill myself, the world is worth living in. – Tao Lin

But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself. – Albert Camus

All things are difficult before they are easy. – Thomas Fuller

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Suicide quotes to bring insight and comfort during difficult times

Its so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself. That’s above and beyond everything else, and it’s not a mental complaint – it’s a physical thing, like it’s physically hard to open your mouth and make the words come out. They don’t come out smooth and in conjunction with your brain the way normal people’s words do; they come out in chunks as if from a crushed-ice dispenser; you stumble on them as they gather behind your lower lip. So you just keep quiet. – Ned Vizzini

Suicide. A sideways word, a word that people whisper and mutter and cough: a word that must be squeezed out behind cupped palms or murmured behind closed doors. It was only in dreams that I heard the word shouted, screamed. – Lauren Oliver

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

The great thing about suicide is that it’s not one of those things you have to do now or you lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later. – Harvey Fierstein

When people kill themselves, they think they’re ending the pain, but all they’re doing is passing it on to those they leave behind. – Jeannette Walls

That’s the thing about suicide. Try as you might to remember how a person lived his life, you always end up thinking about how he ended it. – Anderson Cooper

Nothing in my life has ever made me want to commit suicide more than people’s reaction to my trying to commit suicide. – Emilie Autumn

A suicide kills two people, Maggie, that’s what it’s for! – Arthur Miller

A book is a suicide postponed. – Emil Cioran

Killing myself was a matter of such indifference to me that I felt like waiting for a moment when it would make some difference. – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

No one ever committed suicide while reading a good book, but many have tried while trying to write one. – Robert Byrne

In most cases, suicide is a solitary event and yet it has often far-reaching repercussions for many others. It is rather like throwing a stone into a pond; the ripples spread and spread. – Alison Wertheimer

There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind. – C. S. Lewis

It is always consoling to think of suicide: in that way one gets through many a bad night. – Friedrich Nietzsche

To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill. – Aristotle

The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us. – Voltaire

If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen. – Loretta Girzartis

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. – Christian D. Larson

Death is easy. To live is the most painful thing I could imagine and I’m weak and no longer willing to fight. – Hannah Wright

Perhaps the saddest irony of depression is that suicide happens when the patient gets a little better and can again function sufficiently. – Dick Cavett

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Suicide quotes to raise awareness and inspire prevention

Suicide is not an answer, it’s destruction. – Al Green

Gay teenagers are four times as likely to attempt suicide as straight ones. I wish they knew that there’s nothing wrong with them; that they are just a different shade of normal. – Jodi Picoult

Suicide is not a blot on anyone’s name; it is a tragedy. – Kay Redfield Jamison

Drunkenness is temporary suicide. – Bertrand Russell

The thought that I might kill myself formed in my mind coolly as a tree or a flower. – Sylvia Plath

Suicide leaves everyone feeling guilty. – Robert Harris

Yeah, because you’ll really be showing them, won’t you. Talk about cutting up your wrists to spite your fate. – Alexander Gordon Smith

Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better. – Kat Calhoun

The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why? – Clark

I wonder if it will rain after we die. When you kill yourself, you don’t know what happens next, afterward. – Albert Borris

Suicide quotes to bring comfort and understanding

Suicide creates a monstrous emotional upsurge of shame and guilt. Everyone participates in feeling responsible and even shamed at knowing the suicidal candidate. If these feelings are not healed the vampire of suicidal death can strike again and again. – Linda Lee Landon

Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn’t had an audience, and lines to speak? – Jean Genet

All suicides have the responsibility of fighting against the temptation of suicide. Every one of them knows very well in some corner of his soul that suicide, though a way out, is rather a mean and shabby one, and that it is nobler and finer to be conquered by life than to fall by one’s own hand. – Hermann Hesse

Suicide is not a remedy. – James A. Garfield

It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late. – Emil Cioran

I think suicide is sort of like cancer was 50 years ago. People don’t want to talk about it, they don’t want to know about it. People are frightened of it, and they don’t understand, when actually these issues are medically treatable. – Judy Collins

Soak up the views. Take in the bad weather and the good weather. You are not the storm. – Matt Haig

There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say. – Cyril Connolly

The literal meaning of life is whatever you’re doing that prevents you from killing yourself. – Albert Camus

If you ever think about giving up, remember why you held on for so long. – Hayley Williams

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Suicide quotes that will make you think twice

I think many people kill themselves simply to stop the debate about whether they will or they won’t. – Susanna Kaysen

Suicide only really frightens those who are never tempted by it and never will be, for its darkness only welcomes those who are predestined to it. – Georges Bernanos

I could never kill myself. I approve of suicide if you have horrible health. Otherwise, it’s the ultimate hissy fit. – John Waters

The suicide passes a judgment. Society does not care to examine the judgment, but in defense of itself as is, condemns the suicide. – Robert E. Neale

It’s better to have a gay life of it than to commit suicide. – Vincent Willem van Gogh

Suicide may be a choice, but not as much as it is expected when everything else fails. – Mark Brightlife

Life is short enough, there is nothing worth here to take your life, and those things we do gain can never be taken to our grave. – Anthony Liccione

One, who suicides, is itself a killer and itself a victim. To trigger that has its decision, and own will, no one else. – Ehsan Sehgal

Every bad institution of this world ends by suicide. – Victor Hugo

People, don’t commit suicide because they’re weak. They commit suicide because they have no reason to be strong. – Cave Man

No one ever lacks a good reason for suicide. —Cesare Pavese

They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice… That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.—Arthur Schopenhauer

There is something great and terrible about suicide.—Honore de Balzac

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.—Arnold J. Toynbee65. The suicide arrives at the conclusion that what he is seeking does not exist; the seeker concludes that what he has not yet looked in the right place.—Paul Watzlawick

Suicide prevention quotes

Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey. — Unknown

This world is more beautiful with you in it. — Unknown

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t. — John Green

When it is darkest, we can see the stars.— Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. — Jack Penn

Suicide is the last attempt of re-emergence of the will of life. ― Lamine Pearlheart

If your heart is still beating, God is not done with you yet. — Dillion Burroughs

Your life is not over. Your life is important. Don’t take your beauty from the world. — Unknown

There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that… But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope. — Gerard Way

There is no greater strength than choosing to live.— Unknown

Living each day is one of the most extraordinary acts of courage – Jennifer Betts

Write something, even if it’s just a suicide note.—Gore Vidal

When you twist the roots of your life with others, it’s easier to weather the storm.— Unknown

Often it feels like I am breathing today only because a few years back I had no idea which nerve to cut…—Sanhita Baruah

Everybody goes through difficult times, but it is those who push through those difficult times who will eventually become successful in life. Don’t give up, because this too shall pass.— Jeanette Coron

No one commits suicide because they want to die. Then why do they do it? Because they want to stop the pain. – Tiffanie DeBartolo

You may not understand today or tomorrow, but eventually God will reveal why you went through everything you did.— Unknown

No man ever threw away life while it was worth keeping.—David Hume

They would rather have you messy and alive than not there at all.— Jazz Thornton

I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.—David Levithan

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   Suicide quotes to give you hope and a reminder you matter

Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Wake up, release your warrior and tell your demons, ‘Not today!’ -Helen Edwards

It’s not about battling your past, but fighting for your future.  -Jazz Thornton

Create an environment where getting help and discussing suicide is something we do before a life is lost and not after.  -Dexter A. Daniels

By suicide, you can only hurt the people who love you. -Sandesh Hukpachongbang

You’re bigger than the sea you’re sinking in… -Katie Beth

When the devil creeps in with suicidal thoughts, don’t creep out rather flee to your pastor or a counselor before he overwhelms your soul.  -ikechukwu Izuakor

My own failed suicide attempt, led me to profession of helping others. Reach out. You are never alone.  -David Essel

The epic story of tomorrow can’t be written if it ends today. -Author Unknown

Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves – Gerard Way

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