Best 50+ Gaslighting Quotes And Saying


“Gaslighting” is a form of psychological abuse in which incorrect information is thoughtfully displayed to a witness in ways that cause each other to start to question their interpretation of things as well as their information processing. The following Gaslighting Quotes might well give you lots more information about this abusive behavior and the types of individuals who are involved in it.

Whenever a gaslighter is having a discussion with their friends or telling lies about you to order to ruin your reputation, they enjoy the feeling of power they have over you.  Gaslighters commonly motivate and inspire their people that they have been making it up, “wanting to take life too seriously,” or are completely incorrect about some of these happenings or discussions. Those who are doing this establish power and experience a deep greater sense of control over the other person. Being emotionally manipulated causes you to question your actuality and commonly negates your identity and self-belief.

Our selection of gaslighting quotes would then prove to be very helpful when communicating with gaslighters. The next time individuals wanted to know when someone is gossiping about you besides someone back, kind of actually listen and keep a close eye on them!

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Gaslighting Quotes


Mind control makes victims doubt their reality.

And I hate how you made me question myself when the problem was you all along.

If you feel that you could be a victim of gaslighting, continue to research this problem and reach out to a mental health professional.

People don’t want to hear this, but words not matching actions is called a manipulation. And refusing to be held accountable for it is gas lighting.

Gas-lighters minimize your feelings to gain power over you. They say things like: Why are you so sensitive? Calm down. You are overreacting.

Gas lighting: A subtle form of emotional manipulation that often results in the recipient doubting their perception of reality and their sanity.

Gas lighting: An abuse used to instill chronic doubt and condition the victim to question their memory, perception of events, and sense of reality.

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Your abuser hides your belongings from you, fooling you to question your memory and think that your memory is faulty and weak.

Quitters always believe the lies they tell themselves because delusion is easier to live with than the reality that they settled for an easier path.

Gas-lighters confuse, intimidate, and disempower people
 to control other controllers’ interests.

One of the first steps in freeing yourself from a gaslighting relationship, is to acknowledge how unpleasant and hurtful you find this emotional apocalypse.

Whenever someone is not seeing, accepting, owning, and expressing their actual person owning, ruth, it will automatically become a gaslighting situation.

Sometimes we refuse to see how bad something is until it destroys us.

Id loves the abyss of someone else tyranny
again. Cassandra Giovanni, Love Exactly

Gaslighting Quotes Funny


People who harm you will blame you for it. Remember, an abuser will generally always play the victim, spin a story, tell everyone and they generally call you crazy. It also makes them vulnerable to more gaslighting, because their defenses have weakened, and the best gaslighting victims are those who doubt themselves.

Let’s say you have now planned to corner your gas-lighter and question them. They will shower love to fool you yet again. You know how much I love you. I would never hurt you on purpose.

Someone who gaslights you is trying to talk you out of your experience to alleviate their shame and responsibility and a tool to control and manipulate you.

Gas-lighters minimize your feelings to gain power over you. They say things like: Why are you so sensitive? Calm down. You are overreacting.

One of the first steps in freeing yourself from a gaslighting relationship is to acknowledge how unpleasant and hurtful you find this emotional apocalypse.

Whenever someone is not seeing, accepting, owning and expr, or redressing their actual personal truth, it will automatically become a gaslighting situation.

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People who harm you will blame you for it. Remember, an abuser will generally always play the victim, spin a story, tell everyone and they generally call you crazy.

It also makes them vulnerable to more gaslighting, because their defenses have weakened, and the best gaslighting is those who doubt themselves.

Let’s say you have now planned to corner your gas-lighter and question them. They will shower love to fool you yet again. You know how much I love you. I would never hurt you on purpose.

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

It’s not the situation whether we react, or respond, to the important station.

It hurts the most when the person that made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.

The quiet but inexorable breaking down of self-esteem is much more sinister – its violation of the soul.

Family Gaslighting Quotes


When someone shows you who they believe them the first time.

A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dream, or your dignity.

The gaslighter knows if they question your sanity, people will not believe you when you tell them the gaslighter is abusive or out-of-control.

As in all abusive relationships, the abused mistakenly assumes the kindest version of the abuser is the real one.

Abuser and victim, and emotional abuse can turn into physical violence.

Do you feel alone in your relationship? Abusers isolate their partners from friends and family and make them dependent financially, socially, and physically It’s like one day you flit switch and became someone I never knew.

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There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because don’t yearn for women but because they’ve tried and found no one who cares.

Being single and happy is better than being sad and afraid in an abusive relationship women invest in a relationship she would want ant for their daughter.

The ae die a day, but the denial slays the life of the people and entombs the hope of the race.

So many people suffer from abuse and suffer alone. Pamela Stephenson

Instead of reacting, you take what is essentially a neutral position and make yourself as boring as humanly possible as boring as a gray rock.

Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you.

A healthy relationship doesn’t drop down. It inspires you to be better.

When you react, you are giving away your power. When you respond, you are staying in control of yourself.

Narcissist Gaslighting Quotes


You are just making this up.

You are just overthinking it.

Stop exaggerating the situation!

Stop taking it so seriously.

Can you not take a joke?

That was never my intention, stop blaming me.

I think you need help.

Driving someone to insanity is the devil’s work.

Gaslighting is a slow devil’s coifs loss of reality.

Andrew was right. We probably wouldn’t have had any problems if I didn’t go wouldn’t way to create them.

What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.

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